Guideline for papers presentation

To make uniform the criteria for evaluating the works presented at the LMHI Congresses is an old aspiration of all who have already worked as scientific coordinators for these congresses. This section opens all related discussions with the following suggestions prepared by Maria Lara. After reading the following text, please send us your opinions and views.

General guidelines for paper presentations

  • The summary or abstract must be in the right format for uniform publication, that will be stablished by the organizing committee of the respective organizing committee. Ideally the abstract should include: objective(s) of study, methodology used, results, conclusions.
  • Ideally if possible, presentations should have some audiovisual support (slides, overhead transparencies, films etc) appropriate for the theme addressed. For case presentations I would suggest a format of at least one overhead transparencies with brief summary of : Demographic of patient (age, sex, place of birth), Reason of medical visit, Medical diagnosis, Past and present history etc, what ever else the speakers feels could contribute to clarify the picture of the patient. This may be helpful while the speakers reads the case. Any other means such as vides are also very informative in the case presentations. The format for other presentations will vary according to theme treated. The important thing is to have the audiovisual support.

Criteria for acceptance of research or clinical cases in the LMHI meetings:

  1. Presentation format. Must follow guidelines established by meeting organizers;
  2. Originality;
  3. Methodology: the use of proper methodology appropriate for study subjetc (cuantitative or cualitative);
  4. Creativity of study design;
  5. Relevance and importance of study to advance the understanding of homeopathy or the contributions to optimize the clinical practice of homeopathy.

Priorities in basic research in homeopathy:

  1. Hypothesis-driven research: searching for mechanism of action of homeopathy;
  2. Studies in cinical trials that include biological markers that may be modified by homeopathy;
  3. In vitro and/or In vivo studies with animals that provide insights as of mechanism of action of certain remedies.

Priorities in Clinical Research:

  1. Optimization of homeopathic therapy by doing clinical trials comparing for example different schemes of treatments modalities that may test: Most effective remedy or remedies for a particular ailment, proper dose (number of pellets, times of administration), right potency, duration of treatment, follow ups. These trials must be done in medical sindromes where there is enough evidence of homeopathic effectivity and knowledge about a group of remedies already tested in a particular sindrome (i.e: asthma, influenza, diarreas etc);
  2. Placebo-control randomized trials testing homeopathy in different ailments;
  3. Case-Control studies, comparing a specific homeopathic remedy for a particular ailment against conventional medicen. (For example choose only Pulsatilla patients for asthma or bronchitis, against broncodilators and steroids) in a randomized clinical trial.