Nonhomeopathic clinical trials applying nonmoleculars solutions prepared according to homeopathic pharmatechnologyn.
Nonmolecular solutions show good performances in laboratory trials when following isopathic and tautopathic models. However, the respective efficiency decreases when such solutions are applied in clinical trials that do not follow the referred models. A work model based on sets of cells of patients presenting the same pathology and known simillimum is suggested in an attempt to show the performance of different nonmolecular solutions in relation to expected enzymatic reactions when compared to the simillimum. How can we conclude on this proposal? Shall we have an alternative proposal for demonstrating the similitude with the whole, expressed in one of its parts?
Company News
To make uniform the criteria for evaluating the works presented at the LMHI Congresses is an old aspiration of all who have already worked as scientific coordinators for these congresses. This section opens all related discussions with the following suggestions prepared by Maria Lara.
Teaching Research
The graduation courses in homeopathic research have a duration period of 1200hrs, completed in three years. They have one subject called Methodology of Teaching and Researching, with 60 hours. The purpose is to provoke the student to start observing and criticising what he learns and how he learns
Science Philosophy
Is Homeopathy science or not? Is it scientific or not? What does science mean and what to be scientific mean? What is the difference between the scientist and the researcher? What is the difference between the intellectual and the academic?
What are the natural limits of each individual?